We take a defensive position and pursue opportunities to invest significant dollars in non-cyclical strategies until a market dislocation favors macro themes.


Gateway identifies development, acquisition, and financing opportunities through its national network of affiliated partners, investors, and brokers. We use a thorough due diligence process, local market information and deal level insight developed over two decades to determine if an opportunity is appropriate for our investors.


Working with local stakeholders early in the process reduces frictional delays and ensures that we create outcomes that are good for our investors and right for the community. Our experience with rezoning, land assemblage, brownfield redevelopment and various financing structures helps us to quickly assess a path to a solution.


We target investments in highly liquid markets and will pursue transactions in tertiary markets if we have a clear view of institutional demand at exit or are able to reduce exit risks through upfront structuring.


SELECT TARGET MARKETS: NYC Metro • Washington DC • Atlanta • South Florida • Sunbelt Growth Markets

LOCATIONS: Near transportation, College/University, or located within an Opportunity Zone

TYPE: Multifamily Development, University Related Real Estate, Affordable Housing

DEAL SIZE: Minimum $20mm total development or acquisition cost.